La enseñanza de la historia de Angola, en las escuelas y las instituciones de salud / The teaching of the history de Angola, in the schools and the institutions of health

Pedro Cativa Chilala Mita, Alberto Rafael Rodríguez Díaz, Aurelio Sessa Lobito

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La investigación que se representa propone una concepción pedagógica para el perfeccionamiento del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la Historia de Angola en la formación permanente de la enseñanza Secundaria Básica y por ende en las instituciones de salud; se fundamenta su concepción en criterios filosóficos, patrióticos, pedagógicos y metodológicos de forma armónica interrelacionada, para lo cual se utilizaron los métodos de los niveles teóricos, empíricos y estadísticos.

Palabras clave: enseñanza-aprendizaje, estudiantes, historia.


The investigation that is represented proposes a pedagogic conception for the improvement of the process of teaching-learning of the History of Angola in the permanent formation of the basic secondary education and in the institutions of health. The one that bases their conception in harmoniously interrelated philosophical, patriotic, pedagogic and methodological approaches, for that which methods of theoretical, empiric and statistical levels. The pedagogic conception is organized starting from a system of shops that not contributes alone to the identification of inadequacies in the topic object of the investigation but also to the development of the faculty's historical culture, when contributing to its integral preparation that includes the cultural knowledge and of the medicine.

Keywords: teaching-learning, students, history.

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